Main Street Steamboat’s

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Main Street Steamboat Springs is made up of up to 13 members elected by the membership for 3-year terms. Board members represent retail, restaurants, service, professional, real estate, property owner and at-large positions.

Board Meetings

The Board of Directors meet the first Tuesday of each month at 8:00 am at Salt & Lime, located at 628 Lincoln Avenue.

  • First Tuesday of the Month

Members are encouraged to comment at the monthly board meetings. Time is set aside at each board meeting, at 9:00 am, for members to address the board with comments or concerns.

The Board

Libbie Christiansen

Routt County CSU Extension

Liza Scudder


Overland Sheep Company

Todd JJ Johnson


Creekside grill and Café and Laundry (Rex’s Family of Restaurants)

Steve Treanor


Citizen, Volunteer, Ambassador

Marianne Capra

Historic Preservation Commission

Chris Dillenbeck

FM Light & Sons/Chrysalis/Moose Mountain

Andrea Benavente

Steamboat Ski area

Kathy Elliot

Christie Sports and Steamboat Chamber Representative

Ex-officio Members

Steve Muntean

City Council